Francis (FR-AS-006)

Francis (FR-AS-006)

This design was inspired by St. Francis of Assisi who founded the Franciscan order and played a role in bringing reform to the Church in the late 12th and early 13th century. There are many symbols and recognizable references to St. Francis out there, however, when working on this design my goal was to portray one of the primary messages of St. Francis, the freedom of poverty and simplicity, in a unique way.

The five separate shapes together form the San Damiano cross, which is the cross before which St. Francis was praying when he received the commission from the Lord to rebuild the Church.

Within the outlined shapes are the words PAX HUIC DOMUI, which translate to "PEACE TO THIS HOUSE". This phrase was taken from a painting made of St. Francis at the Benedictine Monastery in Subiaco, Italy, while he was visiting the monks there. This is the only known painting of St. Francis painted during his lifetime and is probably the closest to his likeness (see image below). In the painting Francis holds a scroll with this phrase written on it.

The two filled in shapes hold calligraphy taken from an icon of St. Francis. The words together read FRANCISCUS, which is a reference to the Saint's name.

Lastly, I split the San Damiano cross into five pieces specifically in reference to the Stigmata of St. Francis, which are the five wounds of Jesus's crucifixion that Francis miraculously received in prayer before he died.



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