WearEternal Crown

WearEternal Crown

The WearEternal brand icon that you see throughout our website and branding was also intentionally designed. We refer to it as the "WearEternal Crown" because the shape not only references the W & E from the name WearEternal but its also a reference to a crown, which symbolizes an important part of our identity as children of God and heirs of heaven. The horizontal bar at the bottom of the icon is in reference to our eternal nature. We are eternal beings.Often a line without a point at the end is used to communicate something that continues on and on without an end. We want to remind ourselves and our customers of this often because it affects how we live our lives. The next part of the design is the diagonal break through the crown. In design, diagonal lines are used to represent dynamic motion, and as humans we are never stationary we are always moving towards that promise of eternity. However, this is just the beginning. The section of the icon that is not filled in represents how we are still on a journey. We have not yet made it to our destination and the progress bar is still filling. 

You will see this motif of a partially filled bar repeated throughout our designs.


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